Backdrop is a fork of Drupal. It is intended to be a full-featured content management system that allows non-technical users to manage a wide variety of content. Backdrop will be feature-comparable with Drupal 8 (containing things like CMI, WYSIWYG & Views in core), but will be built on APIs more similar to those found in Drupal 7.
We're excited to have Backdrop founders Nate "quicksketch" Haug and Jen "jenlampton" Lampton live and in-person for the October EBDUG meeting. Join us on Oct 30 at the usual time (6:30 PM) in our usual location, Tech Liminal in downtown Oakland -- just 2 blocks from the 12th St. BART station.
Why fork Drupal? Because there's a cost that comes with change. Read up on it at, then bring your questions to EBDUG #9 and get them answered by the project founders themselves! You don't want to miss this.